Christine Keeble and Simon de Lisle
The original Modern Jive DVD

Home : Resources for Teachers : The LeRoc Federation

The LeRoc Modern Jive Federation

LeRoc Modern Jive

What is the LeRoc Modern Jive Federation?

The Federation is a group of independent dance teachers whose aims are:-

  • To make LeRoc more available.
  • To promote excellence in Le Roc teaching
  • To act as a forum for independent dance teachers so they can help each other improve their Le Roc French Jive business

Why join the LeRoc French Jive Federation?

  • LeRoc Moves Workshops enable you to keep abreast of hundreds of moves and increase your Le Roc repertoire.
  • New income from the medals system.
  • Business protection (public liability insurance cover).
  • A new qualification endorsed by the United Kingdom Alliance of Professional Teachers of Dancing.
  • Professional support a forum to exchange ideas and information about this ever evolving, dynamic dance form.

The LeRoc Modern Jive Federation is not a franchise

There are private companies which trade under various names such as Ceroc, Le Jive, etc. Some of these attach specific conditions of trading to their teacher training courses. But The LeRoc French Jive Federation is non-profit making and was set up by independent teachers for independent teachers. The condition of membership is a high level of professional expertise.

To gain a qualification in teaching LeRoc

Simply contact the Admissions Secretary and ask for an application form (see the Federation website). You will be provided with a copy of the syllabus and details of professional examinations.

Do you need membership of a professional dance teachers association?

If you pass the LeRoc Federation's exam this qualifies you to join the UKA. If you are already a member of another professional organisation such as the IDTA then there is no requirement to join the UKA.

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The LeRoc Modern Jive Federation