Home : How To Jive video & DVD : Performers & Credits
The Performers and Credits
Modern Jive demonstration - Christine Keeble & Simon de Lisle
Air steps demonstration - Sing Yuen Lim & Vince Roper
The Jiving Lindy Hoppers with Frankie Manning
Warren Heyes - Artistic Director
Zoots and Spangles
Ryan Francois - Artistic Director
The London Jitterbugs - Simon Selmon & Amelia Hill
- Michel Ange Lau
- David Barker
- Richard Becker
- Elizabeth Bellavia
- Paul College
- Dominique Corrolleur
- Janie Cronin
- Vicki Cunlifffe
- Mile Ellard
- Simon Erland
- Tim Flach
- David Fregene
- Nicky Haslam
- Derek Holwill
- Kate Hutton
- Tom Jennings
- Graziella Jones
- Angela Kyle
- Marcelle Lakmamer
- Victor Martinez
- Louise McKensie
- Neil McLusky
- Shuko Nogoolhi
- Jan Paulden
- Deborah Sharpe
- Lilly Shaw
- Sarah Sienesi
- John Stephenson
- Katherine Tan
- Andrea Tyers
- Glenn Wright
- Henry Yong
Dance Consultants
Michel Ange Lau, Roger Chin, Dominique Corrolleur, Vince Roper, Simon Selmon. Warren Heyes and Terry Monaghan.
How To Jive was produced by Christine Keeble and Simon Heyworth
Directed by Tim Conrad
Filmed at Battersea Studios and on location in the UK at the Rock Island Diner, Piccadilly; Porchester Hall, Bayswater; The Limelight, Shaftsbury Avenue and in France at the Lyon Dance Festival
Music by the Firebirds, courtesy of Pollytone Records
Notes on the Dancers
Simon de Lisle is the principal dancer and choreographer for Ceroc Australia.
Simon won the UK National Ceroc and Modern Jive Championships in 1995 and went on to win the Australasian Championships in 1998 which makes him the only person who has won both titles.
Simon teaches teaches in Sydney Australia and, recently, with his wife Alison, choreographed the routine that won the Team Routine at the 2002 Australasian Championships.
Christine Keeble, is a co-founder of the LeRoc club, Leicester Square and founder member of the Le Roc French Jive Federation and Leroc Children Nationwide. She was a member of the original Ceroc Cabaret team.
Sing Yuen Lim performs the airsteps with Vince Roper. She founded the London Jitterbugs then moved to Singapore where she initiated the lively Swingapore scene.
The world renowned Jiving Lindy Hoppers, were filmed at the Lyon Dance Festival (where they represented both the UK and the USA). Their guest star was Frankie Manning - who stunned the Savoy Ballroom with the first air step in 1937. He performs the first aerial featured on How To Jive.
Janie Cronin (married to James Cronin who founded Ceroc) was Head of Dance for Ceroc. She danced on How To Jive in the Lindy Hop 'Jive Dive' scene.
Michel Ange Lau, was choreographer for the original Ceroc cabaret team and co-founder of the Le Roc club, Leicester Square
Mike Ellard, one of Ceroc's principal teachers, performs at the Rock Island Diner.
Nicky Haslam who founded Ceroc in Australia, performs in Rock Island Diner scenes and disco scenes.
Simon Selmon, founder of the London Swing Dance Society, performs Jitterbug in the big band swing dance scene.
UK rock'n'roll champions Shuko Nogooli & Tom Jennings and Lilly Barker (né Shaw) & David Barker show off their European rock'n'roll acrobatics in one of the scenes filmed at the Limelight nightclub.
Lilly Barker (together with partner, James Geary) won the 2003 UK Open Jive Competition (advanced section) held at The Winter Gardens, Blackpool and organised by Chance Two Dance.
Ballroom Jive is showcased by Vicki Cunliffe & Glenn Wright.